Sunday 8 April 2012


1E Terangganu State Museum

The Terangganu State Museum was officially opened on April, 20 1996 by the late Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafibillah Shah, the Sultan of Terengganu. It is located in Bukit Losong which is about 6km away from Kuala Terengganu. It covers an area of 27 hectares and is the largest museum in Malaysia. The main museum has 4 blocks of huge buildings. The Maritime Museum is also located within walking distance from the main museum. There are 5 traditional real houses which are placed on the compound behind the main museum.
Textile Gallery
The Textile Gallery shows the history of textile development in Malaysia. The locally produced textile that you will learn include songket, batik, gerus, limar, pelangi, gerus and telepuk. Some of these can be purchased from the many souvenir shops in the city centre. Other traditional garments such as those used during wedding are also exhibited here.
View in Terangganu State Museum
The Royal Gallery will bring you back to the history of the Sultanate of Terengganu. There are many collection and royal regalia that are on display here. Portraits of the former rulers of Terengganu can also be seen here.
Craft Gallery

The Craft Gallery will take you some time to appreciate as many of the display here include the fine craft of traditional arts and handicrafts. Woven mats, brass wares, gold and silver ornaments are some of the crafts that you can see. Other weapons such as Keris, Lawi Ayam, Sundang, Kuku Harimau which refects the past design of blacksmiths are also shown here.
Batu Bersurat

The Natural History Gallery depicts the many natural resources such as minerals, rocks, flora and fauna that are foundin the state of Terngganu. Many of these artefacts show the way of life of the people a few decades ago.
The Petroleum Gallery is one of the main revenue generator for the state. It shows the history of petroleum in Malaysia andthe model of the first oil rig which was located off the coast of Terengganu in South China Sea.
Amazing View
This gallery brings you through a series of past events together with artifacts that show you the famous and legendary figures who have enriched and created history.The Inscribed Stone that was discovered shows the Islamic propagation and the existence of Jawi in the region. Other related artifacts are also shown here.
Front Museum

This gallery shows the many types of boats that were used in the olden days. The traditional boats are used for fishingand for travelling from one place to another. It also exhibit the equipments that were used in building the boats. Takenote of the different carving and curvature of the boats.
The traditional houses that are located behind the Terengganu State Museum main building show the houses that were built in the olden days. The houses include Rumah Limas, Rumah Tele which is a house built for the ladies to stay, Rumah Bujang, Rumah Berserambi Besar and Istana Tengku Long.

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