Saturday 31 March 2012



National Mosque Map

Natitional Mosque is located in Kuala Lumpur. This mosque was established between 1963 and 27 August 1965. It is the symbol of Islam as official religion in Malaysia. The capacity of the mosque can fit for 15,000 people. The mosque was build on 13 acre land and the main building use more than 3 acres land. National mosque surrounded by facilities such toilet, bas stand and others. This is the second modern mosque after Shah Alam Mosque. 
The mosque was designed by architects from various of race such Chinese and Indian.This uniquely designed mosque embodies a contemporary expression of traditional Islamic art, calligraphy and ornamentation. Its most striking feature is the multi-fold umbrella-like roof which symbol the aspirations of an independent nation. 
The National Mosque provided facilities such as Prayer Hall, The Main Lecture, Hall, Lecture Rooms, Main Meeting Room, Islamic Out Reach ABIM , Expo Site and Gym Facilities.
Prayer Hall

The main prayer hall has simple design and quite attraction. It is included aircondition system. The system always on during 5 times prayers and others activities that use ths hall. After Isya’ prayer, there is a class to teach Al-Quran for adult. Besided that, it also using for others government event, wedding and the place for preach to non-muslim that has conduct by Non Government Organization (NGO).
National Mosque
The main lecture hall using for knowledge activities such as Tafaquh Fiddin class for adult, official government event, lecture, seminars, courses and banquet for VVIP such as Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong, Y.A.B Prime Minister and others.
Lecture Room

There are 3 lecture rooms in National Mosque that can fit for 20 to 30 people at one time. This room purpose for eductaion class, briefing programm, and others activities. This rooms included with LCD for programm that using Power Point for presentation.
Main Meeting Room
The Main Meeting Room use for meeting with National Mosque staff, Government Organization, Non Government Organization, Private and Diplomatic Meeting. This meeting room can fit for 10 to 30 people. BMU National Mosque always receive order and be use in Prgramme meeting with Government Organization Corporate and else.

The programme that explain about Islam for Muslim and Non Muslim usually will be conduct in Islamic Outreach ABIM. ABIM was success to Islamic foreign that come to visit National Mosque and receive explaination about Islam.  

Expo Site

This expo site usually become place for expo or others outdoor programme. This site is open for booking to conduct events.
Front National Mosque

The gym facilities in Nasional Mosque was sponser by a private company to use by people as sport or recreation.


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